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The mission of Glory House is transformation. To see the individual, family, city, region, nation, and world impacted by God’s power and presence through the expansion of His Kingdom.

Our mission

Our vision

We at Glory House see a great army of God being raised up to win the lost, heal the sick, feed the poor and make disciples, with signs and wonders following, carrying on the works of Jesus throughout the world and in every sector of society.


We envision God’s people as a “pure and spotless bride, making herself ready” through an ever-deepening relationship with her “Bridegroom”, the Lord, and being set free from sin, sickness and bondage by the power in His shed blood.

We believe

That only the sixty-six books of the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. The Bible is the final authority for all we believe and for how we are to live. (John 17:17, II. Tim. 3:16-17)


That there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19)


In the virgin birth of Jesus, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily and spiritual resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His personal return in power and glory, and in the rapture of the Church at Christ’s coming. (Matt. 1:23, I. Pet. 2:21-22, Acts 2:22, I. Cor. 15:23, 1. Cor. 15:4, Acts 2:33, I. Thess. 4:16-18)


That for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ is absolutely essential. (Rom. 5:12-21)


That sanctification is the process by which, according to the will of God, we are made partakers of His holiness; that it is a progressive work, begun in regeneration, carried on in the hearts of believers by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, especially through the Word of God, self-examination by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, self-denial, watchfulness and prayer. (Phil. 2:12-13&15, I. Cor. 1:30)


In the baptism of the Holy Spirit and in the gifts of the Spirit. (Acts 2:4, I. Cor. 12:1-11, I. Cor. 14:1-33)


That the Church is God’s primary instrument through which He is fulfilling His redemptive purposes in the earth. To equip the saints for the work of ministry, God has given the Church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. We also affirm the priesthood of all believers and the importance of every Christian being joined with and actively involved in a local fellowship of believers. (Eph. 4:11-16; 1 Pet. 2:9-10)


In water baptism by immersion. (Matt. 3:16-17, Acts 2:38, Rom 6:3-4)


In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of Life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. (II. Cor. 5:10, Rev. 20:11-15)



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